Art Camp Day 5 ~ 2024

Today the kids decorated cakes—what a fun (and yummy) way to conclude the week!  We also learned why Jesus died—to take the guilt and punishment for our sins, so that we can be forgiven and enjoy a relationship with God.  We learned about Jesus rising from the dead and saw the connection between Jonah and Jesus!

We hope that everyone will join us this Sunday to celebrate our great week together.  Our Art Camp Sunday Worship Service will begin at 10 am, followed by a special Art Camp Luncheon.  Afterwards, we’ll have an Art Camp Show and Tell, when the kids (and the adults!) can share what they learned and enjoyed during the week.  It should be a wonderful time! Bring your family and friends and come celebrate with us!

 Check out the pictures below.


Art Camp Day 5 ~ 2024

New Hope Presbyterian Church Bridgeton, NJ

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