A Sampling of Church Life at New Hope Presbyterian Church.

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Do You Really Know?

Do You Really Know?

Most relationships within the body of Christ are trapped in the casual. There are many surface-level facts that we may know about each other, but we often don’t know the hearts of those people…

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Sermon Series

Ecclesiastes and the Search for Meaning

Resuming Sunday morning June 16th

Art Camp Sunday

“Let Us Thank the Lord and Praise Him!”

by Pastor Claude Taylor | July 21, 2024 | Psalm 107:23-32

All You Need Is Hate?

All You Need Is Hate?

The last four Wednesdays, we have been unpacking a four-part model of biblical discipleship: Love. Know. Speak. Do. While there is some logic to the order, these elements should all be happening concurrently and…

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Do More Than Speak Truth

Do More Than Speak Truth

Love. Know. Speak. Do. These are four essential elements to a discipleship relationship—or any friendship, for that matter—if you are willing to be used by God to help another person experience the transforming power of grace…

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Do You Love Getting Rebuked?

Do You Love Getting Rebuked?

Have you ever had a parent-teacher meeting at school, discussing the behavior and academics of your child? I was a Christian school teacher for many years, and during one of these meetings, the mom came ready for a fight…

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