The Desire of Words

The Desire of Words

The Desire of Words  from Paul Tripp Ministries He was an exhausted and discouraged husband and father. He said, in so many words, “I pray, read my Bible, and go to church. I struggle to do what’s right, and people tell me to trust the Lord. But God just...
The Sovereignty of Words

The Sovereignty of Words

The Sovereignty of Words   From Paul Tripp Ministries It’s probably the most powerful prayer I can remember. My father-in-law was in the hospital, suffering from an advanced case of bone cancer. It was hard to be in the room knowing the severe pain he was...
It is Christ that speaks

It is Christ that speaks

“It is Christ that speaks. ‘I am in the garden in an agony, pouring out my soul unto death; I am on the tree, dying for sinners; look unto me! Look unto me!’ That is all you have to do. A child can look. One who is almost a (fool) can look. However...
Genuine mourning for sin

Genuine mourning for sin

“Genuine mourning for sin comes as a gift of divine grace…Grace comes into the heart, and enlightens the understanding, so that the man understands what his criminality is in the sight of God. Then the grace of God operates upon the conscience so that the man...
The Power of Words

The Power of Words

The Power of Words from Paul Tripp Ministries My two oldest sons are two years apart. They’re adults now, but when they were younger, I remember an argument they had. I can’t specifically remember what the argument was about, something silly and insignificant. It was...