July 29 – August 2


8:45 AM to 12:15 PM

"Consider the Birds and Flowers!"

1st thru 7th grade completed

Art Camp 2019 has finished.

Join us for Art Camp Sunday at 10am!

Whether you already have a church home or not, we are hoping that everyone will join us tomorrow morning for a special service of worship in which we celebrate and give thanks for a great week of Art Camp.

Come hear what your children have been learning from the Sermon on the Mount as Pastor Taylor speaks on, “Don’t Be Anxious; Consider the Birds and the Flowers!” We’ll also take a moment before the service to recognize all the kids, teachers, helpers, parents etc who participated in Art Camp, and we’ll conclude the service by singing the hymn the children learned all week: “Children of the Heavenly Father.”

Finally, please join us after the service for an informal luncheon in the fellowship hall, during which we’ll take time to share favorite memories and experiences from Art Camp. Children, parents, teachers, and helpers alike are encouraged to come prepared to share (if you want). This will also be an opportunity to thank the teachers and helpers for their hard work, and to thank the kids for their hard work! We are truly blessed to have such a great group of kids this year, and we’d love this opportunity to thank them and their parents!


Scroll down to see all that happened this week at Art Camp!

Do You Really Know?

Do You Really Know?

Most relationships within the body of Christ are trapped in the casual. There are many surface-level facts that we may know about each other, but we often don’t know the hearts of those people…

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Art Camp Day 5 ~ 2024

Art Camp Day 5 ~ 2024

Today the kids decorated cakes—what a fun (and yummy) way to conclude the week!  We also learned why Jesus died—to take the guilt and punishment for our sins, so that we can be forgiven and enjoy a relationship with God…

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Art Camp Day 4 ~ 2024

Art Camp Day 4 ~ 2024

Today the older kids learned the traditional Japanese method of fish printing—using real fish! (It’s called “Gyrotaku.”)  Meanwhile, the younger kids got a chance to experiment with watercolor…

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All You Need Is Hate?

All You Need Is Hate?

The last four Wednesdays, we have been unpacking a four-part model of biblical discipleship: Love. Know. Speak. Do. While there is some logic to the order, these elements should all be happening concurrently and…

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Art Camp Day 3 ~ 2024

Art Camp Day 3 ~ 2024

Today the kids learned bookbinding and made their own books; they also tried pour painting with oyster shells.  We learned more about Jesus, Who is not just Lord over the seas but also Lord over the winds and…

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What happens when we look closely at birds and flowers? We find a thousand wonders that inspire awe, delight and beautiful works of art! And according to the famous Sermon on the Mount, we find this wonderful surprise: a remedy for worry and fear. Join us for New Hope’s Art Camp 2019 as we put into practice Jesus’ teaching to “consider the birds of the air”, to “consider the flowers of the field” (Matthew 6:26,28) and as we discover God’s marvelous care for His creation—and especially for His dear children.

As in previous years, every day will be packed with art—opportunities to get creative with painting, weaving, dessert decorating, and flower sculpting—just to name a few!  Mark your calendar for July 29-August 2. We look forward to seeing you!

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