2021 Thank Offering: Home Missions from OPC on Vimeo.

This week’s video features the work of Home Missions.

Through your giving to WorldWide Outreach, the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension is able to:

Provide valuable training and funding to church planters as they spread the gospel in towns and cities across the United States and Canada.

Support Regional Home Missionaries who identify and develop new church planting sites and help new congregations find organizing pastors.

Introduce seminary students to ministry in the OPC.

“If we filled every existing church in Oshkosh to capacity on a Sunday morning … there would still be less than 10% of the city in worship …. Before 2017 there were no Reformed churches in the city.”

Rev. Bob Holda



What excites me the most is seeing what the Lord’s doing. To see people who are being introduced to the faith, to see their excitement, and their love for preaching.


“There’s a need for a Reformed witness and presence in this region, in this city. Our hope is to lift up a banner for Christ’s crown and covenant  in Wilmington, North Carolina.”

Rev. Ethan Bolyard


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Thank Offering Videos are on Vimeo.com and OPC.org.


Questions or feedback?
 Contact us:

Christian Education 
Danny Olinger, general secretary

Home Missions 
John Shaw, general secretary, 

Al Tricarico, assoc. general secretary, 

Foreign Missions 
Mark Bube, general secretary, 

Douglas Clawson, assoc. general secretary, 


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2021 Home Missions Video

New Hope Presbyterian Church Bridgeton, NJ

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