5 Tips on Reading Through the Bible in a Year
By Sandee Rodriguez
Maybe your first question is, “Why would anyone want to read through the Bible in a year? That sounds like too much work and something that will take too much time.”
Ah, but the payoffs are priceless. One of the most valuable ways we can spend our time is with God in His Word.
It only takes about 15-20 minutes to follow most reading plans. That short time each day reading God’s Word helps us to see God’s plan as revealed through the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit opens our minds to understand more and more passages as we read each part of the Bible. We grow in our relationship to God and with others as well as grow in godliness and wisdom.
If you are ready to commit to developing one of the most important habits in your life, here are five tips to help you successfully read through the Bible in one year:
1. Have a plan. I’m a big fan of printing out a plan on bookmarks and putting them in my Bible at the right places so each time I open my Bible, I’m already in the right place for that day’s reading.
2. Have a place. Set up a chair somewhere in the house with a table or basket with all your devotional materials right at hand so you don’t waste time looking for what you need when it’s time to meet with God. I have my Bible and reading plan bookmarks, a prayer journal, some pens, and other devotional books I read next to a comfortable glider rocker. W
hen I sit in that chair, I know it’s time to meet with God and my mind naturally turns to Him.
3. Have a schedule. It’s much easier to stay on track reading every day if you decide the time of day you’ll do it. Stick to your schedule the best you can but if you fall behind…
4. Have determination. Reading through the Bible in a year is no small commitment. Plan now for setbacks. Know that you’ll miss days and even weeks, in the beginning. Remain determined to keep trying. Read as much from the plan as you can. Some Bible reading is better than none. If you stay with it, not only will it eventually become a habit, but you’ll miss it when you don’t read.
5. Have catch-up days. Since a new habit takes time and you’ll probably fall behind (I still do and I’ve been reading through my Bible annually for about seven years!), plan times to catch up when you fall behind and give yourself grace. Life happens.
The bottom line is, spending time reading God’s Word is of inestimable value. As you read, you’ll learn about God’s promises, be encouraged by His faithfulness, dwell in His love for you, and so much more.
Are you ready for the challenge? Make 2021 the year you read (or reread) the Bible in a year!
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