85th Anniversary Sunday
This Sunday, New Hope will be celebrating God’s faithfulness during our 85th Anniversary Sunday on October 3, 2021. We have a big day planned!
First, we will have a special morning service in which we’ll give thanks for the history of our church to commemorate the occasion and celebrate the Lord’s supper together. Then we will remain together in the sanctuary during the Sunday School hour and watch a wonderful video celebrating the life and history of our congregation. We’ll even have games and prizes for the kids!
Following that, we’ll enjoy a church-wide luncheon together and conclude with an opportunity for everyone to share specific ways we’ve seen God work within the congregation, especially over the last ten years. We encourage everyone to come prepared to share to make this a time of grateful praise to the Lord. We welcome all friends of the congregation, including folks from the past, to join us!
Life Chain
After our 85th anniversary Sunday celebration, we invite everyone to participate in the annual Life Chain from 2:30 – 3:30 at the entrance of the Cumberland Crossing in Millville. We have permission to park in the Walmart parking lot. Pick up a sign from the corner and then choose your spot. Can’t stand for that long? Bring a chair and sit as needed. Join us to stand for life along with thousands of others across the US!
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