A Soft Answer Represents You
In that moment when
opponents are screaming,
tribes are fighting,
arguments are escalating,
the masses are debating,
and no one is listening,
there is power in a
soft answer,
there is strength in a
tender heart,
there is grace to be found in a
measured response,
there is mercy to be seen in a
loving reply.
There is only one enemy,
not the person different from you,
not the one who disagrees with you,
not whoever disrespects you,
not the one on the other side of the fence.
The one true enemy was defeated by One
who was despised and rejected,
misjudged and forsaken,
condemned and mistreated.
He won not by
being louder,
acting stronger,
bigger threats,
crafty words,
stinging retorts,
but by a sacrifice.
The ultimate battle was won by a
servant man.
He silenced the enemy,
not by being bigger and louder,
but by laying down his life,
he loved his enemies.
May the voice in my
not be louder than the voice
of you.
May my private
be interrupted by
your words.
When I think
may I think
of you.
When my soul
may I dream after
When I regret
may it be conviction
from you.
When I celebrate
may I rejoice in what comes
from you.
When I am distressed
may I remember
When temptations seduce
may I run
to you.
When fears oppress
may I find courage
in you.
When I celebrate
may the praise go
to you.
When I serve
may my love reveal
When I speak
may my words represent
And in the end
may the song of my life
be a hymn
to you.
God bless,
Paul David Tripp
Reflection Questions
1. When was the last time you were drawn into an argument? Why did you have the desire to engage in the fight and quarrel? What passions and desires were at war inside your heart? (See James 4:1)
2. Compare the progress made in a discussion or debate when harsh words are used instead of soft answers. How do you tend to react when harsh words are employed against you? How do others react when you treat them with respect and love, even in a difficult conversation?
3. Is there currently someone that you need to reach out to and confess recent harsh words? Why will this be a struggle?
4. How can you use loving and intentional words this week to incarnate the love of Christ to someone who does not yet know the Lord?
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