Art Camp 2020 Gallery
Please enjoy this Art Camp 2020 Gallery blog post showcasing some projects by you! We hope you enjoyed our time together as much as we did.
It has been wonderful sharing The Magician’s Nephew with all of you. As you think back over the book, ask yourself these questions:
- Digory had a choice – between doing things Aslan’s way or doing things the witch’s way. Why was it such a hard choice?
- Why was Digory able to choose Aslan’s way, even though it meant his mother might not live?
We have the same choice before us. Jesus is the King. And when we follow Him, we have to do things His way, even if it hurts. But we can do that because we know He loves us. The devil does not have our best interests at heart. He is not trying to help us when he tempts us, even though he promises to give us whatever we want. The devil is a liar, and he cannot be trusted.
Jesus CAN be trusted!
Unlike the devil, Jesus can be trusted with your whole life. How can you know that? Because He loved you enough to die for you.
So if you have never done it before, pray to Jesus now. Tell Him about your sins, your transgressions, and your iniquities. Be honest; He already knows it all anyway. Ask Him to forgive you and make you clean. Then do whatever He tells you to do. He is your King, and He is good.
Remember our verse:
“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was on Him,
And by His wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5
Grace and peace to you all!
Mrs. Taylor and the Art Camp Team
“Thank you for another great year of Art Camp!”
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