Art Camp 2023 Day 1
Art Camp 2023 is off to a wonderful start! We had 44 kids join us this morning, including a lot of familiar faces as well as a lot of new ones. Today we talked about gardens and how a garden is “a place where good things grow.” That’s our goal for Art Camp this year—that it be a place where good things like friendship, creativity, and relationships with God would grow. We began learning our hymn for the week (“Let All Things Now Living”).
Today the kids made lanterns using glass jars and decoupage. They then placed a small votive candle or a string of mini lights inside to light up the lantern. During recreation, they played the Cup game (“Heads, shoulders, knees and cup!”) Everyone had a ton of fun – ask them about it!.
They all also memorized the first two verses of Psalm 1 with Pastor Tom, followed by yummy snacks including beautiful homemade cake pops – thanks, Brook!
Thank God for a great beginning to Art Camp!
Check out the gallery below.