Basics of the Faith
To promote the use of the church library, and to encourage an overall growth in learning and understanding within the congregation, each month we will seek to promote a different booklet from the “Basics of the Faith” series, which seeks to introduce readers to basic Christian doctrine and practice. The featured pamphlet this month is entitled, “Why Do We Baptize Infants?”, by Bryan Chapell. Why do Presbyterians baptize infants? We must confess that some bring their children for this sacrament because of the sweetness of the ceremony, or because of the traditions of family or church, or even with the misguided expectation that somehow “holy water” will magically protect their children from hell. Yet neither sentiment nor tradition nor superstition is sufficient reason for children to be baptized. And thankfully, such reasons are not the basis of our church’s practice. We baptize infants because we believe that the Bible teaches us to do so…
Does that catch your interest? If so, why not check out the entire booklet? It’s an easy read, and perhaps the best, most comprehensive little booklet on the topic. It is available in the library on a first-come, first-served basis. Check it out today!
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