Boardwalk Chapel staff

Boardwalk Chapel staff

The Boardwalk Chapel (BWC) staff recently visited New Hope. Westminster Seminary student, Chris Byrd, along with several other members of the 2015 summer Boardwalk Chapel (BWC) staff ministered to the New Hope Church congregation on Sunday, June 28. Mr. Byrd presented...

I am how I act

I am how I act from Paul Tripp Ministries, Inc. We’re in the middle of a series focusing on identity, examining some dangerous places where we substitute identity “in Christ” for identity in the created world. Last week, we considered our misplaced...
Is your faith weak?

Is your faith weak?

Is your faith weak? If so, remember the following: 1). Feed your faith. Faith is strengthened by God’s Word, the sacraments, and time spent in fellowship with other believers. 2). Exercise your faith. Faith like a muscle, is strengthened whenever it is put to use....