Eternally Blessed for a Billion Years
I am eternally blessed
all I am is connected to you
chosen by grace to be yours
adopted to be your own
named as a child of your love
wrapped in your fatherly arms
hid in the shadow of your wings
there is no end to your love.
I am eternally blessed
in the community of the redeemed
a place I could not earn
destiny eternally secure
forgiveness for every sin
weakness a doorway to strength
fear and shame have no hold
there is no end to your love.
I am eternally blessed
I would have wandered away
seduced by the enemy’s lies
giving way to temptation’s draw
but you always intervene
battle each time for my heart
breaking through sin’s dark deceit
there is no end to your love.
I am eternally blessed
a child in need of your care
blessed with wisdom not my own
you bring hardship my way
a tool of maturing grace
I have learned to lean on you
to resist depending on me
there is no end to your love.
I am eternally blessed
you have been patient with me
faithful when I surely am not
forgiving when I turn away
present wherever I am
mercies that always are new
power when I’m without strength
there is no end to your love.
I am eternally blessed
my future forever secure
a seat at the ultimate feast
worship before his throne
singing of victories won
newness in heaven and earth
sin and death no longer haunt
there is no end to your love.
The day is coming
nothing in the way
the surety is certain
with a divine seal
no political power
no force of nature
no cosmic disaster
no nefarious plan
no oppressor’s power
can stop the Trinity’s will.
There will be a day
when the roar of grumbling
the din of complaint
the screams of fear
the violence of anger
the cries for help
the groans of grief
the boasts of pride
the lies of deceit
the whispers of shame
will be silenced.
The lamb will rise
from his eternal throne
and with tender-hearted mercy
will move through
the redeemed multitude
gathered from every
earthly family
and he will dry every
last tear.
No one in his presence
will be able to contain
their praise
no one able to mute
their gratitude
bowing before his majesty
enveloped in his glory
eyes filled with his light
hearts exploding with wonder
songs of grace and glory
each new hymn
a celebration of victory
Satan cast down
death now dead
suffering eradicated
humanity with one voice
singing in praise of the
victory of the King
the songs of the redeemed
not temporary choruses
the melodies will waft on and on
a billion years long.
No heart will yearn
for more or different
no desires will wander
no one will say, “If only”
no one will gaze around with envy
eternal satisfaction will capture
each one in the multitude
now in their new home
perfection as their address
peace and righteousness
everywhere all the time
they will eat
with no dark desire interrupting
all for the glory of the lamb.
Wherever they are
whatever they do
their songs will not cease
the melodies will waft on and on
a billion years long.
Chosen before the foundations
of the earth were formed
this is your destiny
your travail will end
your journey has a destination
glory of glories awaits
and you too will sing
not a temporary chorus
but a song of eternal praise
a billion years long.
God bless,
Paul David Tripp
Reflection Questions
1. Identify just a few of the countless eternal blessings that are yours in Christ forever. How do these eternal blessings simultaneously provide right here, right now blessings in your daily life? (In other words, why should these eternal blessings change how you live today?)
2. In what ways have you neglected to remind yourself of these eternal blessings on a daily basis? What practical steps can you take to encourage, refresh, and remind your soul?
3. When you forget these eternal blessings, are you tempted to pursue false promises of temporary pleasure instead? Why are those promises false, and how have those pleasures proven to be temporary and unfulfilling?
4. What have you experienced recently, or what are you experiencing currently, that makes you yearn for eternity? Are you suffering with eternity in view? How can you preach the gospel to yourself in the middle of suffering?
5. Why should the promise of eternity spur on evangelism? Who has God placed in your life who has not yet accepted the eternal blessing of salvation? How can you share the good news of a billion years (and endless more!) with them? What is holding you back from boldly proclaiming the gospel?