God’s Big Heart for Aliens
From the OPC Diaconal Ministries Website
by Zecharias Weldeyesus, Pastor, Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Atlanta (taken from Redeemer Mercy Ministry Clarkston newsletter, March 2021)
God has a big heart for refugees and strangers among his people. In both the Old and New Testaments, the Lord commands his people to welcome and love the sojourners in their midst. And it is for that very purpose that Redeemer Mercy Ministry in the city of Clarkston started to exist, by God’s grace: To welcome and embrace all refugees from all nations in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who himself was a refugee here on earth. To help them to be assimilated in the American culture and system, to teach them English, to provide assistance in their immigration cases, and to provide diaconal aid in the areas where they have physical needs.
Redeemer Mercy Ministry fulfills all the above acts of mercy to demonstrate Christ’s love to refugees and ultimately point them to the person and work of Christ for the salvation of sinners through the study of God’s word being led by the evangelist. The ministry also gives them the opportunity to be part of God’s worship at Redeemer OPC.
I ask all who love refugees in the name of Christ to support this unique ministry by prayer, and whenever the Lord enables you financially, to bring eternity into the lives of aliens and strangers.
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