Grace Came as a Baby
When you look into that manger in Bethlehem, you need to see a warrior. On Christmas Day, celebrate the birth of the Great Warrior. He won the victory that you and I could have never won.
Jesus came to battle with the Enemy and defeated him for our sake. He succeeded against the Devil in his life, he overcame him on the cross, and he conquered him with the empty tomb.
Each victory was for us, so that we would be able to resist the Devil’s deceptions and temptations in our lives. That victory is our hope in this life and the one to come. And yet, while victory has been won, the final battle is not over.
We still live in a broken world that doesn’t function as God intended. We still battle with temptation outside us and sin inside us. Seductive voices greet us every day, working to get us to step over God’s moral boundaries. You could argue that life on this side of eternity is war.
So it is a massive comfort that at Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the second Adam, the Chief Warrior, who came to do battle on our behalf, to win victory for us, so that by his power we could resist, stand fast, and conquer.
By grace Jesus was willing to come to earth and to stand in Adam’s place, so that we would be graced with daily victory over temptation and sin.
Rebellion raises its ugly head
then Grace comes down
darkness covers creation’s light
then Grace comes down
thorns and disease infect
then Grace comes down
people lie and cheat
then Grace comes down
desires lead astray
then Grace comes down
image-bearers murder their own
then Grace comes down
power corrupts the powerful
then Grace comes down
pride’s delusion ensnares
then Grace comes down
fools preach what is foolish
then Grace comes down
idols abound and deceive
then Grace comes down
the whole earth groans
then Grace comes down
tears replace smiles
then Grace comes down
hate hates love
then Grace comes down
hope devolves to fear
then Grace comes down
abuse victimizes care
then Grace comes down
thievery robs generosity
then Grace comes down
peace fights war
then Grace comes down
danger lurks in every heart
then Grace comes down
evil kidnaps minds
then Grace comes down
morality lies shattered
then Grace comes down
justice is unjust
then Grace comes down
creatures separated from their Creator
then Grace comes down
people cry, God weeps
then Grace comes down
in the person
in the birth
of the Messiah child
God bless,
Paul David Tripp
Reflection Questions
1. Remind yourself that the Christmas story is a war story. Look beyond the bright decorations, tasty cookies, and beautiful wrapping paper and see a battlefield. How does this change the way you interact with Christmas?
2. Read Ephesians 6:10–20, “The Whole Armor of God” passage. What schemes of the Devil have you experienced recently? What does it practically look like for you to “put on” the armor of God?
3. Read Genesis 3:1-7, “The Fall” passage. What deception is the Enemy trying to sell you? In what way are you tempted to buy this lie and rebel against the wisdom, goodness, and authority of God.
4. Read Matthew 4:1–11, “The Temptation of Jesus” passage. How did Jesus stand against the Enemy in ways that you have failed recently?
5. How does the perfect life and victory of Christ, which started at Advent, encourage and strengthen you today? Be specific.
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