How do you react to conflict? Often when we react to conflict, we try to either escape or attack (Fight or flight) . Ask yourself the following questions:
Escape Questions:
1. What have you remained silent about when you should have spoken up?
2. Have you run from the problem? How? Why?
3. Have you withdrawn from the other person(s)? How? Why?
4. Have you tried to avoid them? How? Why?
Attack Questions:
1. Have you gossiped about the other person(s)? What have you said? Who did you say it to?
2. Have you verbally or physically attacked the other person(s)? How?
3. Have you let your anger continue for an extended period of time?
4. Have you slandered the other person(s)? What have you said? To whom?
Peacemaking Questions:
1. What is God saying to your heart through His Word? Are you willing to obey Him?
2. What do you think the just or fair response would be in this situation?
3. What actions and words would show mercy to the other person(s)?
4. What actions and words would show humility to the other person(s)?
(adapted from P. Brian Noble, Peacemaker Ministries)
“Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3)
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