LENAM Update Fall 2022
This post is an update from the LENAM Ministry which New Hope helps to support in Mexico. Read the post and if you desire to learn more, or want to also help support the ministry, speak with Domenic.
Dear Friends,
What a whirlwind! Summer went by way too fast but we packed as much community service in as we could. Here is our latest news as well as job/volunteer opportunities and new ministries for the Fall.
Two of our teens started high school this week! We are so very proud of them. P. goes in the mornings in Cocula to the Prepa (10-12 grade) of the University of Guadalajara. J. attends here at the local high school in Camichines in the afternoons. It will be a great adventure for them both.
The children attended a Tae Kwon Do camp for three weeks this summer. For five days each week, their amazing teacher, Andrea, worked them hard. They are getting ready for a competition in October. It was a really great experience for them all.
This week we will be able to have children from the community come and join us in classes for Tae Kwon Do. We are so excited to be able to share this sport with them and have the opportunity to be Light and Hope for them in a safe and loving environment!
We started classes here this week, too. Angela, our teacher, has the other 9 children for the first two months and has lots of activities planned for leaning. Amy will be out of town for a bit and will start her classes when she returns.
The children learning here are in grades 1-9 this year. We would love to have an english speaking teacher join her. Please let us know if you would be interested in serving here as a teacher or teacher’s helper!
Want to learn more about helping to support LENAM? Click here.
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