Of all the things you could do for your mom on Mother’s Day, what would she appreciate the most?
For those of you whose mom has passed away, what would she most want for you, if she were here today? When Paul wrote to Timothy, he reminded Timothy of his mother’s faith, and how she had taught him the Bible since he was a child. Honor your mother today by remembering whatever godly teaching she may have passed on to you.
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4 ESV)
Weekly Spiritual Checkup • May 10, 2014 • Mother’s Day, what would she appreciate the most?
New Hope Presbyterian Church is a Bible Believing Church.
3John 4: You hit it on the nose! This is exactly Hannah Garrison’s favorite verse to include in any card or letter sent to her four kids:)