The Four Principles Of Peacemaking:
- Go To Higher Ground. Glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Remember what is most important during a conflict
~See conflict as an opportunity to grow and serve others
~Live out your highest values and beliefs in the midst of conflict
~Ask, “How can I please and honor God in this conflict?” and, “How can I show the same love and mercy that God has shown me?”
- Get Real About Yourself. Get the Log Out of Your Eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)
Take responsibility for your contribution to a conflict.
~Focus first on your own attitudes, words, and actions
~Check your heart for idols (desires turned into demands)
~Confess humbly and thoroughly (The Seven A’s)
- Gently Engage Others. Gently Restore (Galatians 6:1)
Help others see how they have contributed to a conflict
~Overlook minor offenses
~Go with an attitude of love and concern for the other person
~Talk privately first, and then get help if necessary
- Get Together on Lasting Solutions. Go and Be Reconciled (Matthew 5:23-24)
Strengthen relationships through genuine reconciliation and agreement
~Look out for the interests of others (PAUSE)
~Forgive the same way you have been forgiven (Four Promises)
~Keep doing what is right, regardless of what the other person does
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