Teenage Drivers and New Morning Mercies

From Paul Tripp Ministries

What comes to mind when you hear the word teenager? In our culture and sometimes even in our churches, there is pessimism about these kids, and that often dreaded stage of parenting.

Someone once said, “If you add the word teenager before any other word, it immediately becomes negative.”

Should we try it? How about teenage drivers…

Sure, a novice (of any age) behind the wheel of a speeding vehicle is understandably scary! But something is wrong with the way we think about teens. This cultural epidemic of fear and cynicism about our young people is unbiblical. Parents and churches are missing out on so much opportunity if their highest goal for this period of life is simply survival.

Just consider the potential impact of planting gospel seeds in the hearts of young Christians before they make all the big decisions of their life.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard at conferences, “I wish I had heard this material 10/20/30 years ago…”

So, in today’s Wednesday’s Word, I’m excited to share an adapted version of tomorrow’s entry from New Morning Mercies. The adaptation? This devotional comes from New Morning Mercies for Teens, a project Paul Tripp Ministries has been praying about and planning for years.

As you will read below, New Morning Mercies for Teens includes the core daily devotional, with slight adjustments for a younger audience. Each entry also includes a selected Bible verse to commit to memory and questions for personal reflection.

Finally, at the back of this new devotional is a bonus chapter for teens on struggles or cultural issues that impact their lives—anxiety, sex, sexting, gender, pronouns, social media, peer pressure, bullying, and more.

Now, teens around the world can be reminded of the mercies that are theirs in Christ, morning after morning!

P.S. – my team has copies of this new book at the ready for you to give to a young person, when you donate $75 or more to Paul Tripp Ministries and support our not-for-profit organization.
(Or you can place a standard book order at PaulTripp.com/Store)



God will not rest from his redemptive work until every aspect of his creation has been made new again.

It was written in 1719 by the great hymn writer Isaac Watts. He wrote it as a part of his Psalm of David Imitated and never intended it to be a Christmas carol. But “Joy to the World” has become one of the most beloved carols ever written. With all of its powerful lyrics, the third verse of this hymn is particularly profound and encouraging:

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as the curse is found.

What was the mission of Jesus? What is the promise of the bloody cross and the empty tomb? What is the scope of the work of redemption? What does the final chapter of the grand redemptive story look like? The words of this great old hymn capture it with accuracy and power. Jesus really did come “to make his blessings flow.” That is true to say, but it’s not enough. You must add, “far as the curse is found.” You see, Jesus didn’t simply come to rescue only souls. Yes, thank God he saves our souls from eternal damnation. But he also came to unleash his powerful restoring grace as far as the furthest effect of sin. He came to restore every single thing that sin has broken. He came to fix it all! His redemptive mission is as complete as sin’s destruction is comprehensive.

Are you tired of the futility and frustration of this broken world? Are you exhausted by sin, suffering, and death? At times, do you wonder if anyone knows, if anyone understands, or if anyone cares? Then the words of this great hymn and this encouraging passage from the final book of the Bible (below) are for you. Your Redeemer knows. Your Redeemer understands. Your Redeemer cares. His grace has been unleashed, and its work will not be done until every last sin-broken thing has been fully and completely made new again. Be encouraged, your Redeemer is at work!

Behold, I am making all things new. (Rev. 21:5)

Reflect: What aspect of your emotions do you feel most needs Jesus’s restoring work? Will you call out to him today to make even that broken feeling new?

God bless,

Paul David Tripp

Teenage Drivers and New Morning Mercies

New Hope Presbyterian Church Bridgeton, NJ

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