Three Reasons To Give Up from Paul Tripp Ministries
Have you ever hit a moment in life when you thought you were wiser than God, or that you could have developed a better plan than the Sovereign King of the universe?
Maybe it was in a moment of suffering or difficulty. If God knew what he was doing, why would he allow this suffering to enter my life? At least, don’t send difficulty during this particular season.
Perhaps it was during a moment of regret or retrospect. Why would God, in all his wisdom, chart the trajectory of my life in this fashion? If I was on the joystick, I certainly would have course corrected.
What about during a time of confusion? I might not question God’s power or wisdom, but I attempt to become the fourth member of the Trinity, digging through mystery when I simply don’t have the capacity to understand.
Can you relate? It’s worthwhile, therefore, to remind ourselves once again what the Lord’s reign looks like in our everyday life. In so doing, my prayer is that we may give up on our desire to “need” to have control and to “need” to understand what God is doing.
There’s probably no better summary description of God’s sovereignty than what the Apostle Paul gives us at the end of the first chapter of Ephesians. There, Paul speaks of God’s “immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe.” He goes on:
“…according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:19-23, ESV)
First, Paul wants you to know that the rule of your Redeemer is comprehensive. Paul says that God placed “all things under his feet” and appointed him “head over all things.”
You could not choose language that would be more all-inclusive than this. What this tells us, in the clearest possible terms, is that you will never find yourself in a situation, location, or relationship that is not ruled by King Christ.
Second, Paul wants you to know that the rule of your Lord is personal. Paul says that he rules over everything for “the church, which is his body.”
His rule is exercised for your sake. You are not an expendable pawn in some great chess match. You are the child of a Father whose Son had to die so you could be adopted. His eye is watching you individually and his ear is open to the specific sound of your cry.
Finally, Paul wants us to know that the rule of your God is redemptive. The whole context of these verses is the transforming grace that is the central attribute and gift of God’s sovereignty.
His rule really is that of grace. His promises to us are trustworthy and reliable because of his sovereignty. He can guarantee us his grace because he controls all the situations, relationships, and locations where that grace will do its transforming work.
The longer we follow the King, the more we’ll tire of trying to control or understand, and the more we’ll be willing to give up our own sovereignty and rest in his.
You’ll undoubtedly wrestle with this over and over again, but at no point will your Father leave you alone to flounder your way through.
God bless
Paul Tripp
Reflection Questions
- When was the last time you wished you were more sovereign, and why?
- How has the Lord proven his comprehensive rulership over your life? Be specific.
- How has the Lord proven his personal rulership over your life? Be specific.
- How was the Lord proven his redemptive rulership over your life? Be specific.
- Who can you encourage this week with the comprehensive, personal, and redemptive rule of King Christ?