Try the Turkish Delight

It’s a real thing! In the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Edmund is enticed to do the witch’s bidding when she gives him lots of his favorite treat, Turkish Delight. We wanted you to have a chance to try it for yourself. (We also gave you a few other candy treats to enjoy in case Turkish Delight wasn’t your favorite.)


Look for the little brown journal book in your box. We’d love for you to decorate the cover of the journal and make it all yours. You can draw or write in there all during Art Camp to capture your memories and reflections on The Magician’s Nephew readings, the art projects, or whatever you like.

You’ll also find a coloring book that has coloring pages made from all the original drawings from The Magician’s Nephew. You can color them while we read the book to you, if you wish.

The cover image has a special story that we wanted to share with you. The artist who drew that picture of Fletch, the flying horse in The Magician’s Nephew, lives in Australia and drew that picture because she created and directed a play based on The Magician’s Nephew. She gave us enthusiastic permission to use her drawing. If you decide to color the cover, we’d love it if you sent us a picture that we can share with her!


Keep watching this page for more posts, including videos of any readings you missed or want to hear again!


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