Wednesday, September 16, 2015

From Paul Trip Ministries

Afraid of Faith

There are many things I wish weren’t true of me:

  • I wish I didn’t doubt the presence of God, but there are times when I feel as if life is pitting Paul Tripp against The World.
  • I wish I wasn’t restless before bed, but there are nights when I can’t fall asleep because I’m concerned with what tomorrow will hold.
  • I wish I wasn’t envious over the possessions of a friend, but I occasionally catch myself thinking that my life would be better if I had what he had.
  • I wish I didn’t struggle with God’s sovereignty, but there are moments when I wish I could rewind time or rewrite the script to my life.

Here’s the strange thing: I spent many years in seminary discovering what the Bible had to say about those issues. From a doctrinal standpoint, I have all the answers I need to believe in the power, presence, and promises of God.

Perhaps even more ironically, I spent many years as a biblical counselor helping people wrestle through their doubts and lack of faith. By the grace of God, people would come into my office paralyzed and leave with newfound courage. And yet, I still find myself fearful and doubting.

Here’s the conclusion I’ve come to: no matter how theologically trained my brain is, my heart is still prone to forget.

So once more today, I will remind myself of the truths of the Bible, not because my brain needs to be taught a new concept, but because my wandering heart needs to be ushered back into the throne room of grace.

  • The Bible tells me that Jesus is Immanuel, which means, “God with Paul Tripp” [insert your name here] in every moment of every day.
  • The Bible tells me that I’m never first to arrive in a situation, location or relationship. God was there before me, so I don’t have to fear the unpredictable.
  • The Bible tells me that everything I’ll ever need to thrive will be supplied by God, in just the right quantity at just the right time.
  • The Bible tells me that God has never fallen asleep at the wheel, and that everything I’ve been through in life was purposeful and under his control.

Whatever you’re doing right now, stop and pray for the grace to remember today. Your Savior never gets weary of your requests. He loves to hear and answer.

God bless

Paul David Tripp

  1. In what ways do you feel as if God has abandoned you?
  2. Who, or what, are you envious of?
  3. What do you wish you could change about your life?
  4. What practical steps can you take to remember Biblical truths that combat your doubts, fears and lack of faith?

Afraid of Faith

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