Hope for Home Improvement

Hope for Home Improvement

Hope for Home Improvement From Paul Tripp Ministries   Many years ago, my wife, Luella’s, parents were looking at houses to buy. My father-in-law had a list of addresses he wanted to check out, and he invited me to tag along. I glanced at one of the locations and...
A Useless and Outdated Census

A Useless and Outdated Census

A Useless and Outdated Census From Paul Tripp Ministries   This is one of my favorite verses in all of Scripture, because it perfectly describes the gift that Scripture is: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for...
Confront Yourself First

Confront Yourself First

Confront Yourself First From Paul Tripp Ministries “Speaking the truth in love.” This powerful little phrase from Ephesians 4:15 provides not only the permission, but also the practical definition, for biblical confrontation when another brother or sister in the Lord...
Hate Why You Hate Confrontation

Hate Why You Hate Confrontation

Hate Why You Hate Confrontation From Paul Tripp Ministries   It’s a recurring article title on many of the popular blogs and cultural websites: “How to Handle Conflict When You Hate Confrontation.” Or, “How to Have a Difficult Conversation if You Hate...
Parking Lot Progress!

Parking Lot Progress!

Parking Lot Progress! At last! The parking lot is being repaved! For years, the Trustees have discussed repaving our parking lot, but repeatedly ran into different obstacles (including the COVID-19 pandemic). We are thankful that the paving project is underway, and...